Willful ignorance is no longer an option, it is time for humanity to wake up and act for Palestine. It is long overdue.
During the last assault on Gaza in the summer of 2014, a group of Dutch children produced a touching short film called 'We are no longer here', depicting the loss of lives of children at the hands of Israeli forces. Over 2000 civilians were killed, over 1500 children orphaned and many others left permanently disfigured, scarred or disabled.
In the U.K, the only time we hear about Palestinians is during this kind of assault - or if an Israeli is killed, but of their daily suffering, we know so little. We hear the terms 'ceasefire' or 'period of calm' etc and assume everything is fine and returning to 'normal' - but could you accept this supposed normal?
The Israeli aggression is systematic, brutal and sadistic to put it bluntly. A couple of days ago after the 'worst snow in 30 years' they opened the dams leading to Gaza, resulting in the evacuation of 80 families from their homes, in a tiny strip of land where many are still sleeping in tents after the last attack. This kind of deliberate act is about far more than destroying houses, its about destroying hope and a reminder that there is always a continued threat of violence, and you should never believe you are safe. The checkpoints do the same job, they stand as constant threat of punishment and fear.
One strand of hope, is the call to BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) and this is where you come in. The boycott is arguably one of the last peaceful means of ending the occupation as Israel continue to build illegal settlements showing complete disregard for peace talks. There are now many smartphone apps which will make this easier for you to check which brands and products are safe to buy!

1. Check your fresh fruit and veg
Unfortunately our supermarket shelves are full to the brim of Israeli produce - and even worse often produce from *illegal settlements (effectively stolen goods) which has been misleadingly labelled.
Items in particular to watch out for are - fresh herbs, avocados, exotic fruits and peppers.
2. Dead Sea Products
You know when you're walking through a shopping centre and someone wants 'just a moment' of your time? Well there is a reason that your gut feeling is to run for the hills. 'Kedem' and others sell products from the Dead Seam, making lucrative profits in a booming industry, and, you guessed it, at the expense of the Palestinians who are unable to do so due to the occupation.
Anything labelled 'Dead Sea' is likely to come from an Israeli company - however there are a handful of Jordanian ones. Do your research before you buy and if in doubt, avoid!
3. Coca Cola
Coca Cola own factories in the illegal settlements in the West Bank and as such are now a target for the boycott campaign.
It's also extremely bad for your health (who remembers cleaning coins with it as a kid?) and if you're lucky enough to live in Scotland you know we have a far tastier teeth rotting alternative!
4. Nestle
Pretty much one of the most evil organisations ever known to mankind and the most boycotted in the U.K. The list of companies and brands connected to them is too long to go through but check it out yourself - you might be surprised! - http://www.ethicalconsumer.org/boycotts/boycottslist/nestleboycottprofile.aspx
What I cannot stress enough is to use your power as a consumer to make real change. When you stop shopping somewhere or a buying a certain product, write on the company wall, Tweet them, send an email or speak directly to a member of staff.
Recently a Palestinian friend said to me that if things continue as they are, 'in twenty years we will no longer be here' - and we simply cannot allow that to happen. For the sake of the living, and for the respect of the dead, take these first small steps to freedom for Palestine, it is the least we can do.
*What are settlements
Israeli Settlements are a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. This means that they are illegal under international law and have been condemned over and over again around the world. However this hasn't stopped Israel from building them. There are currently around 500,000 settlers living in the West Bank, many of whom frequently harass and attack local Palestinians, including children. Palestinians who dare to defend themselves will be dealt with by the Israeli authorities who have a less than desirable track record for justice.
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